At Brookings Public Library, Upstairs in Cooper Room BHopefully you have seen a flyer or been referred to this site and may be interested in telling a story. I have started this because I want a way to become "un-plugged" and hear interesting stories of others, in person. I am a woman; a mom, a wife and a somewhat isolated person who listens to a lot of talk radio and most importantly - I have a high quality digital audio recording device hiding in my cabinet just waiting to change my life and possibly give other people the chance to share their experiences and have an audio recording to archive.
Some links to peruse and see where the inspiration for this idea has come from:
www.storycorps.orgwww.themoth.orgwww.thisamericanlife.orgNo matter how it happens, there is a priceless value in gathering and sharing and documenting our stories. If the thought of standing in a room and sharing a story makes you nervous, you are not alone. I encourage you to take a leap of faith with me and try.
I may end up standing alone in the reserved room at the Brookings Public Library on Wednesday night, August 11th, but I truly hope not.
Please join me! Support storytelling in your community.
I am asking that anyone willing to participate adhere to the following guidelines:
- Please come with open ears, ready to respectfully support fellow storytellers.
- Plan to spend 45 minutes to an hour.
- Send and email to to RSVP to the gathering, if possible. This is not mandatory and spontaneity is encouraged.
- Try to come with an idea about what you would like to share. An experience - losing a loved one, seeing your old home for the first time in years, anything that resonates strongly in you and wants to come out. Try to tell a 3-5 minute story.
- If interested in sharing an audio file of your story, please sign a release (in person at the gathering) to allow me to post your audio file to this website.
As a disclaimer: I have never done this before but I feel strongly about overcoming my fears of reaching out and doing what I love and constantly think about. This is all completely free, not for profit, and anyone sharing their stories owns their stories. If you have any questions at all, please email